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FAQ for employers

Here you can find a list of answers for employers to frequent questions about using the Jobs4UKR platform and supporting Ukrainian refugees who had to flee their homeland because of the full-scale war.

Go to the FAQ for Candidates here

What is Jobs4UKR?


The free platform Jobs for Ukraine aims to improve livelihoods for people forced to flee Ukraine to Romania and other countries due to full-scale war, through easy access to jobs and learning opportunities abroad and remote. It enables you to explore different industries, look and apply for jobs in different countries, acquire and master new skills for virtual badges. You can find and follow Jobs4UKR on InstagramFacebook and LinkedIn


Can EU employers hire refugees coming from Ukraine?

Yes: The European Commission issued the Temporary Protection Directive to support those fleeing the war in Ukraine. As part of this directive, starting March 4, 2022, people fleeing Ukraine are provided protection and support if arriving in one of 26 member states of the European Union.* The rights under this temporary directive include access to housing, medical assistance, education for children, as well the labor market.


Temporary protection is valid until March 4th 2026, based on the European Union Council’s decision. 


Each EU member state will follow the European Commission’s Operational Guidelines to establish registration processes and systems to afford these rights to people who arrive in their countries from Ukraine. Refugees will need to request a residence permit for temporary protection and follow the process in that country to receive work authorization.

*The Temporary Protection Directive applies in all EU Member States except Denmark. It does not apply in Schengen-associated countries (Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland).


What documents are required to enter Romania and during the stay?


The biometric passport allows entry to Romania, without a visa, for a period of 90 days, with the interval of 180 days between the stays.

The national passport accompanied by a visa with two or more valid entries/residence permit issued by other EU member states, the EEA states or the Swiss Confederation is allowed for the purpose of transit or for a period of 90 days, with the interval of 180 days between the stays/transits.

The national passport, accompanied by the entry visa/small border traffic permit/residence permit issued by the valid Romanian authorities, respecting the validity and the right of residence established by the respective documents.

For those who apply for asylum in Romania, entry to the country can also be done on the basis of another type of identity document (national identity document, birth certificate, etc.) OR on the basis of the self-declared identity, without an identity document, for humanitarian reasons. Refugees can apply for asylum in Romania directly at the border crossing point by completing an application, which must be submitted in person.


How long can refugees stay in Romania? 


Citizens of Ukraine who legally enter the territory of Romania from Ukraine benefit from a period of legal stay of 90 days. Ukrainian citizens who legally entered Romania and who do not request a form of protection can be employed without a work permit. These persons may request the extension of the right of residence for the purpose of work for successive periods of 1 year, if the conditions that were the basis for granting the initial right of residence are maintained.


Do refugees from Ukraine receive medical assistance?


Yes, all refugees benefit from free medical assistance and appropriate treatment for emergency situations, in the Romanian medical system. They will be included in the national public health programs to receive medicines and appropriate medical care and will have access to the basic package of services without having to present a referral ticket.


Under what conditions can a refugee from Ukraine get a job in Romania?


According to GEO 96/June 28, 2024, the temporary protection permit grants you the right to work in Romania with the same rights and obligations as a Romanian citizen, as regulated by the Labor Code.


Ukrainian citizens who apply for a form of protection in Romania also have access to the labor market if they want to be able to secure a source of income.

Holders of a long-stay visa granted for the purpose of work who entered Romania on the basis of this visa can be employed on the basis of an individual employment contract signed for a fixed period, for a period of 9 months within on calendar year, without a work permit.

After those 9 months, Ukrainian citizens who wish to stay in Romania can benefit from the extension of the right of temporary residence for work purposes, provided they obtain a work permit and present the individual full-time employment contract, registered in the general registry of employees, which guarantees their income is at least at the level of the minimum basic gross salary.

Foreigners who request a form of international protection have the right to work under the same conditions as Romanian citizens, 3 months after submitting the request, for the entire duration of the asylum procedure.

Those who cannot present documents regarding their professional qualification or experience in a specific field can be hired on the basis of a self-declaration stating they have relevant experience and have no criminal record in the field in which they work in Romania.


Legal documentation (e.g., licenses, passports, etc.)


Employers should be aware that, due to dangerous circumstances, refugees may have left home quickly without their documents, including passports or licenses. Potential employees may need additional time to work with local authorities to validate their status as a result. You may consider contacting your local government to determine whether alternate forms of documentation are acceptable to establish right to work or contact relevant professional organizations for advice on documentation of specific qualifications for individuals fleeing the war.

With critical evaluation of these special challenges and some preparation, employers can hire refugees and ensure their success. 


What are the benefits of hiring a refugee?


As an employer, you will be able to contribute to the refugee resettlement process in a receiving country by providing a learning environment for those fleeing their home country. A learning environment includes providing opportunities to learn about your country’s culture, opportunities to communicate in the language of the receiving country, development of new skills, as well as providing financial support and autonomy to those in need. In addition, employers will benefit from the skills and talents of those coming from Ukraine.


How can I prepare to hire and support refugee job seekers?


For some refugees, entering the workforce in a new country may be challenging after arrival. It’s important for employers to understand these challenges and prepare for how you will hire and support refugee job seekers. Ultimately, these challenges are surmountable with preparation and connection to the available resources.

As part of our response to the war in Ukraine, we’ve asked experts like the International Rescue Committee (IRC) what refugee job seekers need to know about a potential job opportunity. They’ve told us that information on language requirements and training, as well as work location or relocation assistance are some of the most useful insights for a refugee job seeker to make an informed decision about any job application.


Transferability and recognition of qualifications and skills


People fleeing Ukraine may have the necessary training and skills to perform a job for which you are hiring, but they may not hold the formal education or corresponding permit to hold that job in your country. Consider if there are positions that do not require licenses that those fleeing Ukraine can fill, while your company assists new hires in obtaining the locally required occupational license.

In addition, the European Commission is developing new guidelines to facilitate the recognition of professional qualifications obtained in Ukraine. This will make it easier for employers and training institutions to understand the skills of Ukrainians arriving in the EU. The European Training Foundation is establishing a site to help employers understand the qualifications of job seekers from Ukraine.



How can my job postings effectively reach refugees?

To reach refugee job seekers, there are a number of steps you can take when crafting your job postings:

Post jobs for free on Jobs4Ukr

Indicate the language requirements for the job and if you offer language training 

Indicate if you offer relocation or other forms of assistance referenced above

Share the job links on Social Media

After posting a job, you can start searching for candidates in the platform, using filter. 



How to help a refugee learn Romanian or English?


International Organization for Migration (IOM) organizes free Romanian language courses for Ukrainian refugees in Bucharest. You must be a temporary protection holder and register at the IOM office (5 Constantin Daniel Street, Sector 1, Bucharest) first in order to join the lessons and benefit from other perks for temporary protection holders (e.g. medical assistance and accommodation). More details with contacts are on the official website.

Eucom offers free online Romanian and English language courses under the guidance of a Ukrainian teacher for Ukrainian refugees. You simply need to fill out the Google form on the website, adding info with your contact details and the language to learn.

The Ukrainian Youth Hub offers free activities for Ukrainian teens in Bucharest organized together with UNICEF & NRC: free English and Romanian courses, speaking clubs, free trips out of Bucharest, inside and outside entertainment.

YouTube channel in English for studying Romanian
Online Vocabulary

Romanian with explanations

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