FAQ for candidates
Here you can find a list of the answers for candidates to frequent questions about using the Jobs4UKR platform and supporting Ukrainian refugees who had to flee their homeland because of the full-scale war.

Go to the FAQ for Employers Here
What is Jobs4UKR?
The free platform Jobs for Ukraine aims to improve livelihoods for people forced to flee Ukraine to Romania and other countries due to full-scale war, through easy access to jobs and learning opportunities abroad and remote. It enables you to explore different industries, look and apply for jobs in different countries, acquire and master new skills for virtual badges. You can find and follow Jobs4UKR on Telegram, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
How can I create and fill out my profile on Jobs4UKR?
The easiest way to find a job on the platform is to have your profile created and filled out. More details are in the following articles on how to register and look for jobs on the Jobs for Ukraine platform and how to complete and export your Jobs for Ukraine resume. The recruiters can see details about your professional life, that’s why it is crucial to add information about yourself in the appropriate fields: about you, your availability, education, work experience, skills, languages, values and perks. Also, you can upload your CV file to the ‘Resume’ section and have your profile updated automatically based on details in your resume document. So you will simply need to edit the data, making your profile on point and completed.
How can I look for available jobs and apply for them?
In order to look for vacancies, you need to choose ‘Available jobs’ on the initial page and use the relevant filters to find the information you are looking for: select the country to work, the city you are located in, the domain you are interested in, and languages you have command of. Also, you can use the keywords search tool to detect jobs you need manually. If you are willing to apply for any vacancy, simply open the job post and press the button ‘Apply now’ under the job title.
What is the Matching System, and how does it work?
After your profile is completed, you can easily apply or get invited to jobs that are fitted for you, using our Matching System. We believe in connecting the right professional to the right role - and to do that we should firstly validate interest from both sides. We call this a match - when you believe a role is a good fit for you, and the recruiter is interested in your profile. Based on that, you have access to our algorithm that sends you job recommendations and is located in the ‘Opportunities’ field.
Can I be sure that my personal information is protected?
On the platform, when you apply for a job, the recruiter can only see details about your professional life. Your contact details are anonymized and will be displayed only after the company accepts your job application in the first week. Employers go through a thorough vetting process and accept the Terms & Conditions before activating job openings. The time-bound works both ways though - if the company invites you for a job, you can accept it or decline it within seven days, and if all goes well you will start the recruitment process. You can get the conversation started on the platform in the Messages section to ask and get answers to all the questions that popped up. If you faced any cases of unfair employment practices, please, report it immediately to [email protected]
What are the signs of unfair employment?
That’s crucial to be aware of the warning signs of unfair labour before applying for jobs. Please, look at the following guide for safe employment and share it with those who need it in order to be able to recognize indicators of legitimate jobs.
Where can I find official information for Ukrainians in Romania
On this Government website (Protect Ukraine) you can find official information about how you can receive help and how to integrate in Romania. Useful information on this rights, obligations and facilities for Ukrainian citizens benefiting from temporary protection measure in Romania
Where can I find details about helping Ukrainians and employment in Romania
We are gathering and updating all the resources available for people fleeing Ukraine, remaining in Ukraine, displaced into a neighboring country, or relocating to countries around the world. Please, see our resource center for detailed information on help and working in different countries.
How to get recognition for my qualifications and skills in the EU?
This source contains key information about recognizing all types of Ukrainian qualifications in order to work and study in the European Union. Here you can find detailed guidance on fast-track recognition of Ukrainian academic qualifications.
How to recognise Ukrainian education in Romania?
This resource describes in detail the conditions under which Ukrainians can legalise their diplomas. Details on the recognition of doctoral or professional degrees obtained abroad can be found here.
The website of the Romanian Ministry of Education is here.
What is temporary protection, and what are my rights if I get it?
The temporary protection residence permit is the official document what confirms the permission to stay on the Romanian territory. The permit is included in the identity documents category and it proves your legal residence. This document grants your access to certain rights and services related to your legal status.
Temporary protection is valid until March 4th 2026, based on the European Union Council’s decision.
The residence permit for beneficiaries of temporary protection is issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI). In order to submit your request, you must contact one the following IGI offices appointed to implement these activities. The complete contact list can be found here.
If you already have the Temporary Protection, we recommend you to update it by indicating your address in Romania. This is the only way to access the social benefits provided by the Romanian state.
Temporary protection gives Ukrainians the following rights:
a) to be issued with a document granting them permission to remain on the territory of Romania;
b) to be informed, in writing, in a language which they are supposed to understand, of the provisions relating to temporary protection;
c) to be employed, to carry out independent activities, respecting the rules applicable to the profession, as well as activities such as educational opportunities for adults, vocational training and practical work experience, in accordance with the law;
d) to benefit, on request, from the necessary assistance for maintenance, in case they do not have the necessary material means;
e) the right of the beneficiaries of temporary protection with special needs to receive adequate medical assistance;
f) the right to have access to the state education system under the conditions provided by law for Romanian citizens, in the case of beneficiaries of temporary protection who have not reached the age of 18.
Access to social benefits
Based on the temporary protection permit which mentions your residence in Romania, you can access social benefits, such as child allowance, child support benefits, minim income for inclusion, etc.
For example, based on the type of address mentioned on the residence permit, child allowance payments can be done: at the domicile or residence, by postal order OR in your bank account, if the address is incomplete.
Note: The incomplete address mentioned on the temporary residence permit (city/county/sector) does not limit access to social security rights.
A person may be excluded from the granting of temporary protection if there are:
a) serious reasons for considering that:
- he/she has committed a serious crime against peace or humanity;
- he/she has committed a serious crime (other than a serious crime against peace, a war crime or against humanity), outside Romania, before entering the Romanian state as a person enjoying temporary protection;
- he/she is guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations;
b) there are good reasons for considering the person as a danger to Romania's security or, being convicted by a final decision for committing a particularly serious crime, the foreigner represents a danger to public order in Romania.
Temporary protection is in fact a residence permit issued by each individual country, not the Union. If you have already received temporary protection in one of the EU countries and want to get it again in another - contact the embassies of the country you are going to, in the country of your stay. If you refuse your temporary protection in the country you are staying in now, you will still be able to go to another country, but you will have the right to stay for 90 days without a visa and will not be able to claim the rights provided by the temporary protection.
Can Ukrainian refugees work in Romania?
According to GEO 96/June 28, 2024, the temporary protection permit grants you the right to work in Romania with the same rights and obligations as a Romanian citizen, as regulated by the Labor Code.
During the war, Ukrainian citizens can work in Romania on the basis of a full-time individual work agreement without the need for a work permit (in Romanian "aviz de munca") and without observing the nine-month period in a year limit for an employment agreement, as under the normal rules.
The right of residence for work purposes is extended without the need to obtain a long-stay working visa. Ukrainian refugees from the war zone who do not have documents proving their professional qualifications or work experience required for a job may be hired for a period of 12 months with the possibility of extending that by six-month periods for up to one year if they meet the conditions of professional qualifications and work experience required for the job they are to be hired for, and they do not have a criminal record incompatible with the activity they intend to carry out in Romania.
According to the regulation, Ukrainian citizens may benefit from protection under the unemployment insurance system, under the conditions provided by law for Romanian citizens. They must register with the employment agencies of the counties and the municipality of Bucharest, respectively.
Where can I learn Romanian and English languages?
International Organization for Migration (IOM) organizes free Romanian language courses for Ukrainian refugees in Bucharest. You must be a temporary protection holder and register at the IOM office (5 Constantin Daniel Street, Sector 1, Bucharest) first in order to join the lessons and benefit from other perks for temporary protection holders (e.g. medical assistance and accommodation). More details with contacts are on the official website.
Eucom offers free online Romanian and English language courses under the guidance of a Ukrainian teacher for Ukrainian refugees. You simply need to fill out the Google form on the website, adding info with your contact details and the language to learn.
The Ukrainian Youth Hub offers free activities for Ukrainian teens in Bucharest organized together with UNICEF & NRC: free English and Romanian courses, speaking clubs, free trips out of Bucharest, inside and outside entertainment.
YouTube channel in English for studying Romanian
Online Vocabulary
Where can Ukrainians get medical assistance in Romania?
112 is the European Emergency number (urgent medical help, car crash, accidents, fire etc.).
You can get a free consultation from a family doctor, psychologist, and gynecologist at the Ukrainian refugee center at the RomExpo exhibition compound. To get an appointment with the doctor, you must first make an appointment with the IOM representatives, at the office located in RomExpo. You can ask for free help with translation to communicate with doctors.
Contacts RomExpo: Meresti Boulevard 65-67, Bucharest 011465 (Pavilion G-7)
General phone number: 0212077000.
Working hours: Monday - Friday, from 9-00 to 17-00.
IOM phone number (medical department): +40 21 - 212.02.59 (for medical appointments, please, call on Monday - Thursday between 13:00 - 16:30).
You must be a temporary protection holder to benefit from all the perks of a program of integration offered by IOM (e.g. help with accommodation, learning opportunities, medical assistance).