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Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR), member of Erste Group, is the most important Romanian financial group, providing universal bank services, leasing, private pensions, investment funds, savings and credits for housing, through our branches and corporate centers.


BCR aims to contribute to foster prosperity for Romania, by supporting everyone’s chances for a better life and encouraging our clients to trust themselves and their capacity to reach their potential. In this respect, BCR constantly invests in secure and easy access to banking services, banking for everybody, long-term financial counseling and products which comply with every customer’s potential.


BCR has created the biggest and most consistent financial education program in Romania, “The Money School”, with classes for adults and teenagers, a financial education mobile exposition for children and a digital platform, all these being possible thanks to over 1,000 financial education teachers, BCR employees.


More jobs on our site: Erste Group (

Calea Plevnei 159


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