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IT Security Manager
10 months ago
  • Domain IT Hardware
  • Availability Full-time
  • Experience Senior Level
  • Type of contract Indeterminate term
  • Location Sibiu
  • Accommodation No
  • Salary To be determined
  • Verified company Yes


  • IT specialist / Security specialist
  • min. 3 years of professional experience in the field of IT Security management and network infrastructure
  • Experience with the following solutions and systems (Optional):- Cisco Prime Infrastructure- VMware- Windows OS- HPE Data Storage- McAfee- Firewall management- SOC / SIEM- Policy and Governance Management- Auditing (ISO27001, TISAX / VDA)- Connected Factory- Cloud Infrastructure (Azure, AWS)


  • Development of technical IT security concepts in compliance with applicable information security guidelines and requirements
  • Conception, implementation and support of weak point analyzes, intrusion tests, penetration tests and other measures
  • Implementation and coordination of IT security concepts in projects within the IT / OT environment
  • Support and implementation of information security risk analyzes
  • Responsibility for the implementation and development of awareness training measures regarding IT and information security
  • Support in creation and implementation of IS- and IT-Security guidelines
  • Vulnerability management, analysis and reporting
  • Development of preventive measures to protect the IT infrastructure
  • Acting as technical interface regarding IT security for the international BU functions, tk CERT, operations and business
  • Responsibility for the implementation and coordination of the new Information Security Management System (ISMS) in specific regions
  • Planning and execution of IT projects for the whole BU within the descripted fields of activity.
  • As the described job is meant as a worldwide BU function, the job holder has to ensure communication and collaboration with the respective IT coordinators in other international Bilstein locations as well as with the leading IT Architect / Network Specialist from Germany.
  • Create and maintain documentation for the described fields of activity.
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  • Read the contract before you sign it
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