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1 year ago
  • Domain Constructions
  • Availability Full-time
  • Experience Mid Level
  • Type of contract Indeterminate term
  • Location Bucharest
  • Accommodation No
  • Salary To be determined
  • Verified company Yes

We have a START-UP company which offers intergated design services for road infrastructures, especialy bridge works, also focused on developing automation of the design process.

We evolved rapidly in our first year, already successfuly finalising more than 10 large scale design projects regarding motorways.

In the future we aim to grow even faster so that we would be considered as an important company also in Europe, not only in Romania.

Therefore, we search colleagues who appreciate the STAR-UP culture (relaxed – intensive), with a flat ierarchy, flexibility, less birocracy, an opened environment and many opportunities, that requires enthusiasm and constant workflow from us all. 

General description

Location: Opanez 12 St., District 2, Bucharst, Romania

Position: Bridge design engineer

Available positions: 3

Work hours: 40 hours/week – flexible schedule – remote work posibility

Contract period: undetermined

Contract type: hiring, self-employed person, bussiness-to-bussiness contract

Duties and responsibilities

 Structural design from concept to analysis, calculations and drawing issuing; 

Mandatory requirements

  •  University degree in civil engineering
  •  English at least level C1
  • Experience in bridge design, see below section: Experience level and salary
  •  Experience with AutoCAD software


  •  Knowledge of Tekla software
  •  Knowledge of CSI Bridge / SAP 2000 / or any other FEA software
  •  Knowledge of programming language and softwares
  •  Knowledge of MathCAD software
  •  Experience in steel structures design

Experience level and salary

0-3 years (junior):      500 EUR – 800 EUR

3-7 years (mid-level): 800 EUR – 1.400 EUR

> 7 years: (senior):    1.400 EUR – 2.000 EUR



  1. Years of experience in the above section: Experience level and salary is aproximate, because senior level is based on performance and not on age.
  2. Salary ranges are also aproximate, as they could be negociated individualy.

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  • Research the recruiter and the company
  • Read the contract before you sign it
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