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3 months ago
  • Domain Manufacturing
  • Availability Full-time
  • Experience Senior Level
  • Type of contract Fixed period
  • Location Bucharest
  • Accommodation No
  • Salary To be determined
  • Verified company Yes


EDUCATION: Specialized, preferably with applicable licenses in professional standard. 

Experience: minimum 5 years in an industrial environment

Foreign languages: English at intermediate level is a plus 

Personal profile: solution and result oriented, organizational and prioritization skills, responsibility towards the results of the work performed; 

Special requirements: availability to work in shifts 06.00-14.00, 14.00-22.00, 22.00-06.00


Checks all circuits and installations in the department for possible faults;

In the event that he finds faults, depending on their seriousness he takes measures to remedy them and is responsible for the final result; 

Is responsible for the functioning of the electrical installations and circuits in the department within the established parameters and for the respect of their technical operating instructions;

Ensure the application of the preventive maintenance plan for the machines and equipment in the plant and record the interventions carried out according to this plan.

Ensuring that the corrective maintenance interventions are carried out and that the equipment is put back into operation as quickly as possible (in the event of accidental stoppages).

Ensuring compliance with procedures and working methods and the quantitative and qualitative execution of maintenance work.

Ensuring the recording of energy consumption on the plant and their reporting.

Ensuring the necessary interventions in case of incident by travelling to the factory if required outside normal working hours and applying a rapid and competent diagnosis in order to identify the fault and eliminate it.

Compensation and Benefits:

Being part of an international team, in a challenging professional environment and a constant opportunity to learn&develop with team members, both senior and junior, on all continents, is what defines Sofidel's work environment. 

By paying particular attention to work-life balance and cultivating long-term relationships, each team member finds opportunities at Sofidel to proudly build on their own skills, attitudes and dreams. 

The compensation package includes a competitive salary and performance bonuses, meal, gift, vacation and transportation vouchers, flexibility and the chance to make a difference in a traditional industry that is navigating cutting-edge technology. 

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  • Ask questions about the job before you go to an interview
  • Don’t leave your original passport and ID to employers
  • Don’t make any requested payments
  • Research the recruiter and the company
  • Read the contract before you sign it
Read more about how to recognise legitimate employment here.
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