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Discover how Jobful can help you recruit faster and hire top talent for your organization. Book a session with us to:

  • Review the state of hiring and discuss your goals
  • Explore the right tools for a candidate smart experience
  • Gain recruiters operational excellence
  • Receive pricing details based on your needs

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Euroanswer is an independent player in BPO with a client-focused mindset. With us, our clients experience the best of both worlds: Western standards meet Eastern mindset to forge a European company, multicultural and cosmopolitan in its DNA, highly technology skilled and wired to make performance across the globe.

We provide job satisfaction and request skills instead, in a win win game. A very special kind of skills:

- The skill to speak well a language and to talk nice to people;

- The skill to talk IT technicalities and still be understood by mortals;

- The skill to tick off requests and leave peace of mind behind;

- The skill to enjoy a job of meaningful interaction within a company of cool people who want, surprisingly, the same.

We serve global businesses but deliver towards people as individuals. We talk business, but we serve people.

Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr. 59
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