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1 year ago
  • Domain Healthcare
  • Availability Full-time
  • Experience Entry Level
  • Type of contract Fixed period
  • Location Bucharest
  • Accommodation No
  • Salary To be determined
  • Verified company Yes

We are looking for psychologist to join in our team to carry out the mental health and psychosocial support activities, to train and supervise the volunteers and to conduct care activities for the staff and volunteers. 

Objectives and responsibilities of the position


Hierarchical links

The Psychologists works under the hierarchical responsibility of the RRC Program Manager and MHPSS Coordinator.

Functional links

The Psychologists will work in collaboration with: 

●     Social worker

●     Medical assistant(s) in charge of screening targeted refugee and host communities

●     Other physicians or health providers/partners involved in the project

●     Health secretaries

●     Cultural Interpreters/Translators

●     RRC Volunteers who are participating the activities



The role of the psychologist is to carry out the community based MHPSS activities, to train and supervise the volunteers who are in charge of conducting MHPSS activities in the community centres and branches, to make and follow-up referrals of people who need specialized services, to carry out care activities for the staff and volunteers.


Tasks and Responsibilities:

●   Carry out MHPSS activities

●   Train and supervise the volunteers 

●   Refer the beneficiaries when necessary and update service mapping and referral pathways on regular basis in close collaboration with the social worker

●   Carry out care activities for the volunteers and staff in health caravan and branches

●   Participate to the reporting and evaluation of the project


Description of the tasks


A-     Carry out MHPSS activities 

-         Identify the people in need of mental health and psychosocial support

-         Make a care plan for identified people 

-         Design and plan community based psychosocial support activities within the community centers and branches in collaboration of MHPSS Coordinator.

-         Conduct individual listening/counselling sessions for the people identified

-         Conduct one-off psychosocial support groups

-         Conduct psycho-education and psychosocial awareness-raising activities on psychosocial wellbeing technics, stress management and positive coping mechanisms

-         Conduct child friendly space activities tailored to age groups and vulnerable groups (i.e. children with disabilities and special needs)

-         Conduct support groups for parents/caregivers to promote positive parenting knowledge and skills.

-         Conduct support groups for adolescents, women and elderly populations



B-      Train and supervise the volunteers

-         Conduct training on community based psychosocial support activities to ensure that the volunteers are capable of carrying out the planned activities

-         Conduct regular supervision for the purposes of continuous training, technical support and guidance in collaboration with MHPSS Coordinator



C-      Ensure the referral and the follow-up

-         Refer beneficiaries to appropriate specialized MHPSS services (psychotherapy, psychiatric consultations, special education etc)

-         Refer to a medical specialist if necessary, in or outside the health centers

-         Maintain links and follow-up of the beneficiaries using the dedicated application

-         Update service mapping and referral pathway on regular basis in collaboration with the social worker


D-     Caring for volunteers and staff

-         Conduct regular supervision for the purposes of continuous training and individual emotional support

-         Implement support groups organized according to the needs (e.g. after a difficult intervention, cf. PFA for staff and volunteers)

-         Organize emotional release days (possibly quarterly) to encourage cohesion between volunteers, peer support and care for volunteers


E-      Participate to the reporting and evaluation of the project

-         Participate to the reporting of activities and the evaluation process in collaboration with the program manager and MHPSS coordinator.


Job Requirements

·      Minimum Bachelor degree in Psychology, Social Work or Psychiatric Mental Health


·      Minimum 1 year of experience working in mental health and psychosocial support field

·      Prior experience in humanitarian settings desired

·      Prior experience working or volunteering in Red Cross Movement desired

·      Experience working with children, vulnerable groups and refugees desired

·      Written and spoken English is required, Russian and/or Ukrainian is an asset

·      Computer literacy (MS Office Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

·      Personal Qualities:

o  Effective communication,

o  Team work,

o  Results focus,

o  Good planning and organizing knowledge sharing and continuous improvement,

o  Leading and empowering others,

o  Analytical thinking,

o  Applying technical expertise,

o  Coping with pressure and setbacks,

o  Following instructions and procedures

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  • Read the contract before you sign it
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Pro tip: Any format is good but we recommend the resume export from LinkedIn

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